I am excited to welcome author Tia Silverthorne Bach to Reading For Fun. She will be attending OIBF on October 19-22, 2017 in Springfield, MO. I have been fortunate to meet her and get to know her. I’ve read most of her books and to say I am a HUGE fan is an understatement.
Hello Tia!!! I thought we would start off with a few questions to get to know you better. What or who inspired you to become an author?
I moved a lot when I was a kid, and reading kept me company as the new girl. Quite frankly, I credit Judy Blume for getting me through the early teen years. I’d also write stories in a worn-out notebook to combat the loneliness.
Which of your books/ series are you most proud of and why?
Such a hard question. Truly, it’s like asking me to pick my favorite child. I’m so proud of all my books, but on any given day, one is my favorite, especially as I’m writing it. My latest, Enchanted Souls, gave me the opportunity to explore the idea of the preordained destination of our souls.
But Heart Chatter, Depression Cookies book one, will always have a special place in my heart because I wrote it with my mother.
Do you have a favorite quote from one of your books? If so, could you share it with us and explain why?
It’s not so much a quote as a life theme. In my Tala Prophecy series, a battle cry emerged for my main character… with faith, we fight. I truly believe you have to believe in something with an almost unshakable intensity to fight for it. As an example, I will fight hard for my children. No. Matter. What.
You have a book that you wrote with your mother, how was that experience? Could you share a little about the book with us?
Amazing. I joke that it was like free therapy. We discussed so many things from my childhood and hers while writing, especially since the book is loosely based on our family. In high school, my best friend died from anorexia, and it had a huge impact on me. Plus, my family moved every two to three years, and we explore those effects. At one point during the story, Krista (a thirteen year old struggling to create a sense of self) wonders if people forget about her when she leaves, did she ever really exist?
You also write with a group of authors called the Ferocious Five. What do you like most about being a part of this group?
Those ladies are my sisters. I adore them all, and they’ve pushed me to write outside my comfort zone and believe in myself. I’m so proud of our collaborative efforts.
Are you currently working on another book, if so can you share a little something about about it? Is it YA, NA, Adult? What genre?
I’m working on a new project with the Ferocious Five. I can’t tell you anything yet, except to say I’m super excited about it. In addition, I’m thinking of jumping into NaNo with a story about one of the characters from Enchanted Souls.
~~Now for a little FuN!~~
Who is your favorite author? Do you have a favorite book that you come back to time and time again?
I have so many favorite authors and books. I truly can’t answer this question, but I will admit I don’t re-read books, no matter how much I love them. Why? If I had unlimited time, I would. But there are so many great books I have yet to read, and I put my energy there.
Do you have a hobby that you enjoy?
I play tennis. It’s great exercise and a stress-reliever for me.One last question...it needs to be a good one...
Who is your most favorite celebrity hunk? What do you find so smexy about him?
Hugh Jackman. And don’t worry, my husband is very aware of my Hugh obsession. Beyond his obvious good looks, he’s so talented. He can do everything from Wolverine (love those muscles and sideburns) to Broadway. And he’s been married to the same woman forever, so he must be a pretty good guy. I’ve never been one to go for the bad boy. I really do like the good guy.Thank you so much for taking time from your busy schedule to share your thoughts and work with us. I can’t wait to see you at OIBF!!
Now for links where you can find more about Tia and her work.
Sign up for her Author Newsletter
Links for Ozarks Indie Fest happening October 19-22, 2017