Author: Nancy Means Wright
Release Date: May 7, 2013
Genre: Mystery
Publisher: GMTA Publishing, LLC
Presented by: As You Wish Tours
Release Date: May 7, 2013
Genre: Mystery
Publisher: GMTA Publishing, LLC
Presented by: As You Wish Tours
When puppeteer Marion collapses during a performance of Sleeping Beauty, her friend Fay Hubbard promises to carry on. But Fay already has her hands full with three demanding foster children, Apple and Beets, who have a fractious jailbird father—and sixteen-year-old Chance, who has a crush on a much older guy in a band called Ghouls. And now Marion’s husband Cedric seems more interested in a drop-dead-gorgeous French teacher than in any string puppets. And who is the mysterious Skull-man who warns of death if the show goes on with one of Marion’s offbeat endings? When an autopsy reveals that Marion had swallowed a dose of deadly crushed yew—and a friend finds her sister dangling from a rod like a marionette, a shocked Fay goes after the killer.
“Bury,” Fay murmured. Marion had been cremated after the autopsy, half of her ashes buried in the local cemetery, the rest thrown in Lake Dunmore, as she’d asked in the unofficial will Cedric agreed to honor. There were ten of them standing around, each saying a few words about Marion. What had Puss said? Something about Marion at Glastonbury? Fay would have to talk to Puss.
Was it suicide, as the police thought? Had Marion poisoned her own drink? Oh, no way, Fay thought. “What did your brother do with the yew he brought back?” she asked Sammy. “I mean, how did he get it through customs?”
Sammy grinned, a dimple in her chin. She looked at Hal and he laughed. “Of course, illegally. He probably wore it inside his boxers.”
“You knew Marion then?” Fay pursued.
“Not really. Well, I met her once somewhere but never got to know her. I heard about her death,” she said, lowering her voice. Sammy was a pretty woman, with a sweet, high-pitched voice. “Terrible thing.”
Sammy kept a yew stick by her back door, she told Fay. “It wards off evil.” Then someone tapped her on the shoulder and she excused herself and moved on.
Evidently, Marion kept her yew stick with the rest of the marionettes. Evil had crept in through the back door.
Or was it the local school door?

Nancy Means Wright has published 17 books, including 6 contemporary mysteries from St Martin’s Press and two historical novels featuring 18th-century Mary Wollstonecraft (Perseverance Press). Her two most recent books are the mystery Broken Strings (GMTA publishing) and Walking into the Wild, an historical novel for tweens (LLDreamspell). Her children’s mysteries have received an Agatha Award and Agatha nomination. Nancy lives in Middlebury with her spouse and two Maine Coon cats.
Broken Strings
by Nancy Means Wright
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the Character Shape the Plot
Nancy Means WrightGreat Minds Think Aloud
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As You Wish Tours
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Thank you so much for hosting my novel/excerpt, Tina. Your blog is very attractive and welcoming.